John 15:4
This verse is lettered in the Uncial style mostly with black ink. The first and last three words of this verse are the same, "ABIDE IN ME", so I lettered these words larger, with friskit (masking fluid), and then put the green over top. Once the green gouache dried, I rubbed off the friskit. The large cluster of grapes illustrates the fruit that is produced through us by Christ as we abide in Him.
Story Behind the Art
John 15:1-13 was the memory passage for Rockwall Bible Church in 2006. As I considered how to letter verse four for the March bulletin covers, I noticed that this verse begins and ends with the same phrase Abide in Me. Thus, this phrase became the frame for the picture of luscious fruit, and the text explaining this analogy. I wonder if Jesus used this analogy of the vine, branch, and fruit because He created them, or if He created them to give us this powerful analogy of us abiding in Him?
John 15:4
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.