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May 11, 2022
In Do It All From Your Phone
According to the National Institute for Safety, Health and Well-being at Work (INSSBT), since the Spanish Strategy for Safety and Health at Work 2015-2020 included in Objective 3 a line that promotes a Phone number list culture of health and well-being , promoting healthy habits in the work environment is a reality. And in particular - this is what the experts say - new eating habits and, why not, gastronomic experiences in the work environment. So much so, that these types of aspects are among the greatest concerns of more and more HR managers who seek to Phone number list improve the health of their workforce. Health begins with new eating habits Numerous studies confirm that maintaining a healthy, complete and balanced diet, even while in the office, is essential. In fact, there are many voices that advise avoiding precooked foods and fast food, while highlighting the need to plan menus. At the end of the day, as the company specialized in business restoration Ausolan thinks, "gastronomy is culture, tradition and innovation , but above all it is health and care". The 'meal moment' goes beyond the correct intake of optimal quality nutrients that our body needs Similarly, "gastronomy is a celebration, it enables meetings and the maintenance of human Phone number list relationships," says María López Ortiz , the company's Corporate Director of Legal Services and Institutional Relations, which, according to analysts, clearly improves the work environment and , therefore, the well-being of the employee. In other words, food, "meal time", goes beyond the correct intake of optimal quality nutrients that our body needs for Phone number list day-to-day activity and also generates emotional connections . new eating habits Culinary innovation to respond to consumer demands Those who know the most say that not innovating, which is a completely legal decision and perhaps even appropriate at many times, does not mean "no change", but rather conformity with what the evolution of the sector offers us. The restaurant sector has little to conform to, and the truth is that, as is the case in other areas of professional activity at the present time, innovation is a lever for differentiation and undeniable competitiveness. Today's consumer demands have nothing to do with those of previous times. The healthy character , for example, is more Phone number list deeply rooted than ever in our food culture and the consumption of quality raw materials is a leitmotiv. In other words, healthy, healthy, safe, sustainable, tasty and innovative food is the main protagonist. The healthy character is more rooted than ever in our food culture and the consumption of quality raw materials is a leitmotiv And what about the important Phone number list sustainable awareness, which is postulated as the great mobilizer of current consumption. In this sense, López Ortiz assures that “we have a duty to leave a better world than the one we have found. We know that there are increasingly scarce foods and we have to seriously think about integrating other nutritional alternatives into our diet, which means doing it little by little, progressively educating our palates”.


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